Monday, December 6, 2010

No meeting until January. Hopefully everyone is deep into Let the Right One In. Any thoughts about where to meet this time? Should we go back to Pete's or meet at someone's place?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Are we meeting in December? We didn't last year. The only weekend that works for me this month is the 18th, which strikes me as not convenient for anyone else...thoughts?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where it's at

The website with directions.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gotta love the Swedes

Reasons to love Sweden:

1. Alexander Skarsgard
2. Let the Right One In - the greatest vampire novel of all time. Suck it, Twilight. Suck it harder, Vampire Diaries.
4. Swiss Army knives (JK. That joke never gets old.)

So, in honor of this, and the fact that a lot of us have already read it, we picked The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson.

The date will be November 13th at 4:00. Unlike Sweetwater, which had mediocre food and even more lukewarm service, The Shady Lady is much loved by Yelpers. They have a huge drink and dinner menu and if that doesn't work there is about 10 other places on the same block that we could hop to.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Winter's Bone

If anybody still checks this...the next meeting will be at Pete's Pizza Oct 9th. 4 o'clock. Reading Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I suck.

So, when should be have the next meeting? July 31 sounds good for me. I will have my life back and no more traveling on the 28th. Woot!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Field trip?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June's book

Hi, all!

Thanks to everyone who came last Saturday. We had a great time! I'm glad the weather cooperated.

Anyhow, there was some confusion about the book title that I've straightened out. The name of the book is actually "Touching the Void" by Joe Simpson. I just checked, and there are five copies now available from the Sacramento library (after I requested mine).

Happy reading!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

BBQ/Book Club Meeting

Hey, folks! The next book club meeting is Saturday, June 5th at Trev's and my house. We'll be BBQing chicken and turkey burgers and whatever else catches our fancy. If you'd like to bring a potluck-style dish to share, that would be cool. Maybe salad, veggies, fruit, stuff like that, as it will probably be friggin' hot that day.

We live at 2 Spray Court (corner of Ironwood and Spray) off of Riverside Blvd in the Pocket area (43rd Street exit off of I-5 south). E-mail me if you need further info, or you can call me at 427-1928.

We hope to see you all on the 5th!


Monday, March 29, 2010

WTH is Steampunk?

Our little group (where was everybody?) chose Boneshaker for the next book. Pete's Pizza at five o'clock on the 24th of April.

It's a steampunk/fantasy/sci-fi novel. Here is the definition from Wikipedia:
Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction and speculative fiction, frequently featuring elements of fantasy, that came into prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. The term denotes works set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used — usually the 19th century, and often Victorian era England — but with prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy, such as fictional technological inventions like those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or real technological developments like the computer occurring at an earlier date. Other examples of steampunk contain alternate history-style presentations of "the path not taken" of such technology as dirigibles, analog computers, or digital mechanical computers (such as Charles Babbage's Analytical engine); these frequently are presented in an idealized light, or with a presumption of functionality.

Friday, March 26, 2010


So, we are all meeting at 5, correct? I don't want anyone sitting there wondering...

Friday, March 19, 2010

March Meeting

March 27th at Pete's. It'd probably be a good idea if a few of us brought suggestions for the next book (says the hypocrite who probably won't).

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Ok, let's just go with Little Bee.

Who would be able to come on Wed, March 24th?

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Two choices:

Little Bee by Chris Cleave. Hey, it's got a pretty cover and is getting rave reviews, which we know doesn't really mean squat.
Here's the reading group guide:
Little Bee, a young Nigerian refugee, has just been released from the British immigration detention center where she has been held under horrific conditions for the past two years, after narrowly escaping a traumatic fate in her homeland of Nigeria. Alone in a foreign country, without a family member, friend, or pound to call her own, she seeks out the only English person she knows. Sarah is a posh young mother and magazine editor with whom Little Bee shares a dark and tumultuous past.

They first met on a beach in Nigeria, where Sarah was vacationing with her husband, Andrew, in an effort to save their marriage after an affair, and their brief encounter has haunted each woman for two years. Now together, they face a disturbing past and an uncertain future with the help of Sarah’s four-year-old son, Charlie, who refuses to take off his Batman costume. A sense of humor and an unflinching moral compass allow each woman, and the reader, to believe that even in the face of unspeakable odds, humanity can prevail.

The other is completely different than what we usually read, but maybe that is a good thing: Boneshaker by Cherie Priest. Steampunk. Seattle. Zombies. I really don't need to say more, but it is being pegged as one of the best sci-fi/fantasy novels of last year.

Which one do you guys like better?

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Powell’s Books polled their customers to pick the best book of the last decade. Guess what won??? Yep, The Road. It also won for the Staff Favorite category. Sweet.
Some of my other customer favorites that made the list were The Shadow of the Wind, A Fine Balance, American Gods, Oscar Wao, Outlander, Water for Elephants, and many of the Harry Potter novels. Yes, points must be deducted for including Twilight and the Kite Runner (I duck the shoes thrown at my head) but there are a lot of ideas for what to dip into next.
What were some of your favorites?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Book Depository

This site is kind of awesome - free worldwide shipping. They have the Little Stranger for $13.50 in hardback.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Little Stranger

The next meeting is set for February 27th. 4 o'clock at Pete's Pizza again.

We are reading Little Stranger by Sarah Waters, which is only in hardback in the US, but there are cheap copies for about $10 on

Friday, January 1, 2010


Sorry, I haven't been checking this often enough, obviously.

I am down with getting together on the 16th of January. What do you guys think of going to Pete's pizza - it is not very far from our place.

I miss everybody and hope you had happy holidays.