Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where it's at

The website with directions.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gotta love the Swedes

Reasons to love Sweden:

1. Alexander Skarsgard
2. Let the Right One In - the greatest vampire novel of all time. Suck it, Twilight. Suck it harder, Vampire Diaries.
4. Swiss Army knives (JK. That joke never gets old.)

So, in honor of this, and the fact that a lot of us have already read it, we picked The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson.

The date will be November 13th at 4:00. Unlike Sweetwater, which had mediocre food and even more lukewarm service, The Shady Lady is much loved by Yelpers. They have a huge drink and dinner menu and if that doesn't work there is about 10 other places on the same block that we could hop to.